
Friday 22nd December 2017

New painting

5 new paintings to be exhibited in a Cambridge Gallery in June

I am so excited to have been asked to produce five large paintings for an exhibition on Kings Parade in June 2018. One is complete and this is the one I have almost completed.

Friday 22nd December 2017

Winter Open Studio

25 and 26 November 2017
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We had a brilliant Open Studio in November. I shared space with potter Diana Kazemi at 5 Church Street, Chesterton. This was the third time I had joined her in late November. I love the way her house is made so welcoming with mulled wine and masses of fairy lights. We set up the day before making it really magical.

Many thanks to all of our visitors for coming along to see our latest work and to chat.

I am already looking forward to next year.

Friday 20th October 2017

Cambridge Drawing Society Exhibition

Leys School Fen Causeway Cambridge CB2 7AD
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The Autumn exhibition takes place during half term at the Leys School.

Come along and see a whole variety of both framed and unframed artworks.

This year I have 5 pictures exhibited

A bright collage of eleven sheep shown here

a monoprint of Ely

and three oils on canvas.

Tuesday 26th September 2017

Cambridge Busker

Kings Parade
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Walking along Kings Parade recently I was delighted to see the Busker in the Bin.

Over the years Charles has been delighting and surprising visitors when singing suddenly starts in a litter bin. As the people turn to look at where the noise emanates you can see them smile and reach out for their cameras. He must be known far and wide.

The busker appears in my painting Tree of Cambridge with his Jack Russell on top though sadly the dog no longer accompanies his master.

Monday 14th August 2017

Cambridge Urban Sketchers

Three sketches made on 13 August in Kings Parade Cambridge
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I love going with a friend sketching in my beautiful city. Once a month I join other Cambridge Urban Sketchers and we go and sketch a place somewhere in the city.

On Saturday about 45 sketchers met at the very popular tourist centre of Kings Parade. We could draw whatever took our fancy. While most people drew the buildings I spotted a cycle parked on the railings in front of St Marys Church in front of an ad for the Cambridge Art Book in which I have two images.

After drawing this I turned my stool round and drew a very busy Tonis Ices van. As I completed my drawing a busker set up beside me so what else was I to do but draw him. He was very good.

Thursday 6th July 2017

Cambridge Open Studios

I shall be opening my studio for 3 weekends in July
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I have several new paintings this year, many with gold or copper leaf that shimmer as you move and enrich my very detailed paintings of trees and folklore

I shall also be showing some of my new paintings based on my research into Medieval Illuminations at the Parker library at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge. I have been so impressed with the artists from this time and how beautifully they illustrated the text in Bestiaries and the Books of Hours.

Tuesday 30th May 2017

Cambridge Art Book

Published July 2017
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I am so excited to have been invited to take part in the Cambridge Art Book. 51 Cambridge artists have their work in this beautiful book and I am delighted to say 2 of my images will be there, the Tree of Cambridge and Sundown. I will have copies to sell during Cambridge Open Studios or please contact me.

Tuesday 30th May 2017

Haddenham Gallery

Haddenham Festival Artists Makers Food Fun10 and 11 June 2017
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I shall be sharing a stall with Maureen Charles for the Haddenham Festival. This annual event is a real treat in June. There will be lots of artists and makers selling and demonstrating their wares in the lovely Sculpture Garden Meadow, bands playing both days, a kids zone with stories and messy play, Morris dancing, delicious Indian food, afternoon teas....

.... and the organisers have booked some sunny weather.

Wednesday 10th May 2017

Drawing at the Parker Library

Corpus Christi, Cambridge
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It is almost 9 months since I became a reader at the wonderful Parker Library which houses an exquisite collection of Medieval Manuscripts. I have drawn images from the Corpus Apocalypse, The Trinity Apocalypse and my favourite, the Peterborough Bestiary which is full of the most well observed animals both real and imaginary.

So far I have made two oil paintings on canvas based on images taken from the ideas of artists living in 1304 and updated them to a contemporary illustrative style.

This one is called Bird Bath.

Sunday 19th March 2017

Teaching Art

This is the table where I teach art to small groups and individuals
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My studio is not big enough or ever tidy enough to use it to teach my students, so I use my kitchen table. All my students love this area as it is full of interesting things to draw and the kettle is close by.

The table here is set up for my students to tackle self portraits. There is a tiny easel for the mirror and a larger one for the canvases. I cant say teaching here is like a normal job, it is more like drawing and painting with friends.

You can find out more about my classes by following the link. I put the work my students do onto the Facebook site for their moment of fame.

Thursday 16th February 2017

Observational Drawing

Drawing in the Cambridge Museums
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Cambridge never fails to provide me with inspiration and the Museums are a real treat. I love the quiet, well I also love the exuberance of the groups of school children who appear, and how 3 hours can go by completely immersed in looking and drawing.

Here are two observational drawings made at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology on Downing Street. A pencil drawing of a musician toy figure from Mexican and an ink drawing of two Eskimo dolls.


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Painter living in Cambridge. Mixes fantasy and realism and loves medieval art and it's detail. An avid sketcher.

Blog Archive

* 2025
* Painting accepted by the Royal Society of British Artists (RBA)
* Painting over the Christmas Holidays
* 2024
* Sketching the Singing Reindeers
* Art Exhibition at Romsey Mill
* Urban Sketching
* Meet you at the Fountain
* Reverie exhibition
* Reverie Exhibition
* Cambridge Drawing Society exhibition
* Birmingham Open Studios
* Delivering paintings to the RBSA
* Last Cambridge Open Studio of 2024
* King's Parade Sketch
* Cambridge Open Studios
* Tree of Birmingham for a client
* Having fun making collages with my art students
* Sketching at the Heong Gallery
* Cambridge Drawing Society Spring Exhibition
* Drawing at the Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge
* The January Challenge
* 2023
* Live painting at Byard Art
* Demonstration at Byard Art
* Arts & Craft Fair, Pitt Building, Trumpington St, Cambridge
* A portrait of me
* Cambridge Drawing Society - Autumn 2023
* Inktober
* Try your hand at Gilding
* Birmingham Open Studios
* Teaching in my home
* Sold at Byard Art, Cambridge
* Thank you to everyone who visited my Open Studios
* Last weekend of Cambridge Open Studios 2023
* Cambridge Open Studios 2023
* Summer Exhibition 2023
* Cambridge Open Studios
* Cambridge Open Studios 2023
* Making planets
* Reverie at the Leper Chapel
* A new me
* Lost in Reverie
* Talk to the Cambridge Drawing Society
* First outside Urban Sketch of the year
* Cambridge Drawing Society Spring Exhibition
* Cambridge Art Classes
* Paintings in progress
* Work in Progress
* #TheJanuaryChallenge
* 65 Million artists
* 2022
* Exhibition at Michaelhouse extended until 17 December
* Small paintings with patterned gold leaf
* Of Day & Night
* Teaching students in my studio
* Of Day & Night
* Self Portrait
* Art in the corridor at Addenbrookes
* Christmas Cracker 2022 Exhibition
* Birmingham Open Studios 2022
* Birmingham Open Studios
* Birmingham Open Studios
* Life Drawing at the Tithe Barn
* Cambridge Open studios
* Cambridge Open Studios 2022
* Art demonstration
* Silent Auction
* Classes starting March 2022
* Newmarket Open Exhibition
* 2021
* Making a Tezlip pattern
* Winter Open Studio
* Winter Open Studio
* Mill Road Winter Fair
* Cambridge Drawing Society exhibition - October 23 - 30 2021
* A talk about my Lockdown Sketches
* The Rest House, Bournville
* Taking part in Birmingham Open Studios
* Art in a changing room!
* Life drawing at the Tithe Barn, Landbeach
* Sketching in the garden
* Cambridge Open Studios
* Art Exhibition at the Tithe Barn, Landbeach
* A haircut
* My very first book
* Still sketching
* Cambridge Drawing Society Exhibition
* Art Exhibition at the Tithe Barn
* Update about my Lockdown Sketches
* My Lockdown
* 2020
* SEAW exhibition
* Urban Sketchers are back
* Summer Exhibition
* Cambridge Open Windows
* Paintings off to Byard Art
* Sketching with my students
* Cambridge Open Windows
* Drawing what I see
* 20 x 20 exhibition at Byard Art
* Cambridge Art Classes
* Coronavius and my art classes
* Coronavirus
* Sketching the Market
* 30 day sketchbook challenge
* 2019
* Winter Open Studio
* Christmas Cracker Exhibition
* Birmingham Open Studios
* Cake Tree
* Space pictures
* Getting ready for Cambridge Open Studios
* Sketching in the garden
* Sketching with Cambridge Urban Sketchers
* Drawing during 'The Silence of Time' exhibition
* Along your Street exhibition
* Packing the paintings
* Basoka dreams / Dreams in the forest
* Cows at Trinity
* Cambridge Art Classes
* Cambridge Drawing Society
* Urban Sketchers in Eddington
* Messing around with watercolours
* Pyjamas
* Commissioned Painting
* Commissioned painting
* Cambridge Urban Sketchers
* Three paintings on the go
* Part 3 of my 30 day sketch challenge
* Another ten photos for the 30 Day Sketchbook Challenge 2019
* Sketch a day challenge
* January in Byard Art
* New Year, New resolution
* 2018
* It's almost Christmas
* Look what's in the window!
* Christmas Cracker exhibition
* Winter Open Studios
* Winter Open Studio
* Urban Sketching
* Christmas Cracker
* Talk/Demonstration at Ely Art Society
* Friday morning Art Classes
* Sketching with my students
* Exhibiting at Addenbrookes
* Painting on a wet day
* Cambridge Antiques Centre
* A customer hangs her painting
* Two more mini paintings
* Drawing at the Museum of Classical Archaeology
* Urban Sketchers
* Painting some mini pictures for an upcoming exhibition
* Ely Art Society demonstration
* Painting Kings and Cows
* Painting Kings and Cows
* Painting Kings and Cows
* World elephant day
* Visiting Addenbookes
* In the basement at Byard Art
* Thank you to everyone who came to visit my Open Studio
* Drawing at the Botanic Gardens
* Open Studios have started
* July means Cambridge Open Studios
* Sold at Byard Art
* Edible drawings!
* First Sketch to completed painting
* Zoology Museum visit
* Paintings in the window
* Paintings at Byard Art
* My studio and garden
* Urban Sketchers at Novi
* May Drawing challenge
* Byard Art
* Sketching at the Parker Library
* Drawing at Queens College
* 2017
* December
* New painting
* Winter Open Studio
* October
* Cambridge Drawing Society Exhibition
* September
* Cambridge Busker
* August
* Cambridge Urban Sketchers
* July
* Cambridge Open Studios
* May
* Cambridge Art Book
* Haddenham Gallery
* Drawing at the Parker Library
* March
* Teaching Art
* February
* Observational Drawing
* 2016
* Winter Open Studios
* Winter Open Studio
* Lost Crusaders
* Drawing at the Parker Library
* Cambridge Open Studio
* Cambridge Open Studios
* Curiosity Gallery, St Ives, Cambridgeshire
* Running with Brushes
* Cat on a Mat
* Winter Open Studio
* Cambridge Drawing Society
* Mixed Media Workshop
* Cambridge Art Classes
* Pop up shop
* Cambridge Drawing Society at Addenbrookes
* Busy Painting
* Cambridge Drawing Society Exhibition
* Samovar Tea House and Gallery
* 2015
* Pop Up Market Place
* Etsy Handmade Fair
* 2014
* Cambridge Christmas cards available
* Cambridge Open Studios
* Strawberry Fair
* Cambridge Open Studios 2014
* Clavering Easter Art Show
* Cows, Bowers and Towers
* 2013
* My Shop on Etsy
* Prints
* Potentials
* Cambridge Art Classes
* Silvanite Woods
* Tree of Knowledge
* Cambridge Open Studios 2013
* New exhibition at Williams Art
* Art on The Hill
* Cow Prints at St Ives
* 2012
* Christmas Gift and Craft Fair
* Art Classes in Cambridge
* Cambridge Open Studios 2012
* 2010
* Moos & Blues

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