Springtime means a great art show at the Pitt Building by the members of Cambridge Drawing Society. This year there are 112 members plus 44 new candidates seeking to join them.
I am chuffed to have all 4 of my entries selected again. They are part of a series of small trees on canvas with coloured silver leaf. The photos show them framed. The actual paintings are 15 x 15cm and when framed measure 27cms.
The majority of the members help out with the exhibition by offering to unwrap the paintings, hang them, invigilate during the exhibition etc. This year I will help with portering, invigilating during the private view and counting up the left over greeting cards. I love helping out as it means I get to know the other artists.
If you are in Cambridge, do pop in and see the amazing work of selected artists living in a 20 mile radius of Cambridge - the standard is very high!
Note: When sending the photos for selection this year, we had to include a teaspoon to give an idea of size. I have used these photos so you have an idea of size.
Painter living in Cambridge. Mixes fantasy and realism and loves medieval art and it's detail. An avid sketcher.
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