I teach 2 art classes at my home studio. We do all kinds of art with most people wanting to draw and paint in acrylics. We decide themes etc and I show them techniques and give out tips, encouragement and tea. Once a term we go drawing in one of the wonderful museums in Cambridge. One of my students favourites is the Museum of Classical Archaeology in Sidgwick Street. It is a bit like life drawing only the statues stay still and they are mainly white so we can see how the muscles are shaped on these perfect bodies from Roman and Greek times.
I also draw when there, I feel it is good for my students to see me drawing instead of always telling them what to do! Over the years of visiting this museum, I have drawn many of the plaster casts with perfect athletic bodies, and now I tackle the 'broken bits' which can be a bit of a challenge.
These 3 heads are the remains of some sculptures from Lykosoura a city in Arkadia, in central southern Greece, that the ancient writer Pausanias believed was the oldest in the world. The local cult was of the goddess Despoina, meaning Mistress. In her sanctuary was a group sculpture of her and her mother Demeter seated on thrones, flanked by standing figures of Artemis and the Titan Anytos.
The second drawing is from a relief panel found at the Harpy Tomb of Kybernis. I drew it because I rarely see sculptures of people eating.
Amazing what I learn when I go drawing with my students!
Painter living in Cambridge. Mixes fantasy and realism and loves medieval art and it's detail. An avid sketcher.
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