Please Keep off the Grass
Please Keep off the Grass
Oil on wooden panel
16 x 16 inches / 41 x 41 cm
Original for sale £950 (GBP)

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One of the wonderful things about Cambridge are the really old buildings in the centre of Cambridge. When I first arrived everyone could visit the University of Cambridge except during exams so the locals would take short cuts via the college. There is a lot of green space, immaculate grass very few are allowed to walk on and some magnificent gardens where teams of gardeners dressed in green would tend every leaf and blade of grass.

Nowadays, there are so many visitors the colleges are only open at certain times and visitors have to pay. But the gates of Trinity College from the Backs are open most of the time allowing people to wander on the paths between the grass. There are signs there saying 'Please Keep off the Grass'.

So my imagination wonders what it could be like if those gardeners let the grass grow a little longer. So here if the very large area of grass near the Backs with the view of St John's that always reminds me a bit of a wedding cake. Think of all those wild flowers attracting bees and insects.

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