Newton's Apple Tree
Newton's Apple Tree

This is the first painting I made especially for the exhibition 'Along Your Street' at Byard Art on King's Parade.

Most trips that I make into Cambridge include cycling down Trinity Street. It is small one way street with full of bikes and curves past St John's, Gonville Caius and of course Trinity. It also has a great bookshop, Heffers, a few nice restaurants and a lovely cafe in Michaelhouse, a converted church.

You can be forgiven for missing the tree outside Trinity. It is a descendant of the apple tree that Isaac Newton studied when he wrote about his theory of gravity, from his mother's garden in Lincolnshire!

The tree outside Trinity rarely has any apples although at times students add plastic ones, it may be because there is not another apple tree close by to pollinate it. The tree is a lovely shape but the trunk is very thin. My version has the trunk in splendid copper leaf but as it is lost in front of the old wall I have shown it towering over snippets of Trinity College such as the gatehouse, the chapel and the library.

The painting never got hung on the wall at Byard Art as someone saw it when I delivered it and snapped it up there and then!

A print is available of the painting.

I paint detailed, dream-like images in oils on canvas which incorporate rich night skies and a shining moon. Stories inspired by the detail and pattern of medieval art, tapestries and my imagination. My work is very influenced by the wonderful city of Cambridge where I live.

Photographs can never do justice to my paintings as they change when the light catches the silver or copper leaf. If you would like to view my actual paintings please contact me to arrange a visit to my studio. My work can also be seen at Byard Art, 14 King's Parade, Cambridge CB2 1SJ, opposite King's College Chapel and at Lux Gallery, 13 Greenfield Cres, Birmingham B15 3AU.

I also take part in Cambridge Open Studios every July where you can visit me in my home studios and 'have a go' at gilding.

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