This painting I made especially for the exhibition 'Along Your Street' which took place at Byard Art on King's Parade from 31 May to 1 July 2018. The view is one of the most popular tourist stops and I have turned the grass into a magical patchwork of tiny flowers.
The Backs in Cambridge is a stretch of land that runs along the back of the riverside colleges alongside the river Cam. The name 'the Backs' refers to the backs of the colleges. Several famous bridges cross the river including the Mathematical Bridge and the Bridge of Sighs.
Viewed from the Backs, King's College Chapel is stunning. The chapel itself stands slightly higher than the viewer with the huge horse chestnut tree just visible behind it. In front the immaculately manicured lawn reaches down to the river where you can usually see the top parts of people gliding along with a long pole, punting. Closer towards the viewer the ground becomes rougher and this is where the gentle Red Poll cows reside. Then there is a water-filled ditch which prevents viewers trespassing and on it's edges are wild native bushes.
At evensong you can see the King's College choirboys walking to chapel but I have swapped them for more decorative people in the graduation ceremonies.
Although the original painting Has been sold, pints are available